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Local Authors & Stocking Your Book(s)

At The Novel Nest Bookstore, we balance the desire to support local authors with the economic need to have books on our shelves that are marketable.  We make decisions every day on what books to stock on our shelves, and we may not always carry every book that we are asked to stock.

Be respectful of staff time!  This is incredibly important.  Our staff have very limited time to discuss stocking books, and our front-line booksellers are often not the ones making stocking decisions.  We ask that you email us at or complete the form below if you are interested in stocking your book(s) or have questions. 

Will your book sell in our store?  One factor used in making a decision is whether a book will sell at our store.  The best way a local author can ensure that books sell is to tell their family and friends that we have their books available. We understand that we may not be the sole location where your book(s) are for sale and we will make referrals to other stores when we are out of stock of a local author's work.  

Is your book easy to obtain?  A second factor that we use in our decisions is how easy a book is to obtain. Our first preference is to source books through local (Wilson) authors. If you are local to NC and want to have your book stocked, please be sure to keep in contact with us. 

What is the quality of the book? A third factor that we use is looking at the quality of the book.  We look at the quality of the writing, in addition to the quality of the editing (including whether a developmental editor was used) and the physical appearance of the book.

Do you have a relationship with our community and our bookstore?  Our experience finds that non-traditionally published books do best in our store when the author has a relationship with our community and our bookstore.  We will ask about these relationships as a part of our decision-making process.

Reviewing copies of books for store placement.  Due to limited space, we ask that you email us a link and pictures of your book for us to review. We will not accept books brought in without being contacted first.  If we decide to not stock your book(s), please do not question our decision. Again, space is very limited and we have to stock what will do best in our store. 

What we sell online:  Our online website includes books that are readily available.  If we choose to stock your book, we will make it available on our online bookstore in the respectful location. 


Author signings and talks.  If you are interested in holding a book signing and/or talk, please email us at Space is limited and local authors with stocked books will receive first priority. You will be responsible for bringing a set up (including table and chairs), extra copies of your book(s), payment option if you choose to accept cards, and anything else you may need. If you have questions, please email us. 

Finally.....  Please do not stop by to pitch your books on busy shopping days such as Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Whirligig Festival Weekend, etc.  We understand you may be in town for these events, and are excited to share information about your books, but our first priority is for our customers in the store.  

If you are interested in stocking your book(s) at The Novel Nest Bookstore, please complete the form below! 

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